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Add brine, broth, sauce or other free flowing liquids to pre-filled cans without spillage. All models incorporate tilting rails to adjust fill angle and control headspace. Solbern briners can be field coupled to Solbern Tumble fillers, self driven or seamer driven. Output speeds of up to 600 containers per minute.
Solbern’s Low Cost Briner is an economic brining solution for customers running one or various container sizes on the same processing line. This efficient briner incorporates features that cannot be overlooked, such as easily adjustable headspace, no spillage, no product wash-out, and adjustable guide rails accommodating a wide range of retail size containers.

The Solbern LCB adds free flowing liquids such as brine and broth to containers pre-filled with solids. This overflow briner accurately fills containers, set at a pre-determined angle, to the desired headspace. Adjusting the container fill angle regulates the container headspace. The LCB is available as a freestanding self-driven unit or as a field-coupled addition to a Solbern solid product filler.

The Solbern Model LSB is a seamer-driven briner designed for high speed brining and saucing, or the addition of any free-flowing liquid such as broth, to a  pre-filled container without spillage. This model offers exceptional container handling capabilities and headspace control. Accurate headspace and recapture of overflow product provide increased yield.

The LSB incorporates the use of a flat top conveyor infeed to direct the containers into a continuous feed screw which convey the containers through the fill zone. Prior to exiting the feed screw the containers are spaced to the precise seamer pitch and are picked up by the seamer chain, providing a smooth transfer without spillage.Headspace is controlled by the container fill angle and can be easily adjusted on the fly without the use of tools. A product Retention rail prevents pre-filled solids from washing out as the liquid is added. Replaceable wear strips support the  container through the machine to minimize drag.

The Solbern Model LSB-2 is a seamer-driven briner designed for higher speed brining and saucing, or the addition of any free-flowing liquid such as broth, to a  pre-filled container without spillage. The LSB-2 incorporates the use of 2 weirs 48" and 30" each with its own flow control valve. This model offers exceptional container handling capabilities and headspace control. Accurate headspace and recapture of overflow product provide increased yield.

The LSB-2 incorporates the use of a flat top conveyor infeed to direct the containers into a continuous 3 section feed screw which convey the containers through the fill zone. Prior to exiting the feed screw the containers are spaced to the precise seamer pitch and are picked up by the seamer chain, providing a smooth transfer without spillage. Headspace is controlled by the container fill angle and can be easily adjusted on the fly without the use of tools. A product Retention rail prevents pre-filled solids from washing out as the liquid is added. Replaceable wear strips support the  container through the machine to minimize drag.

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8 Kulick Road, Fairfield, NJ  07004 USA
Tel. (973) 227-3030, Fax
(973) 227-3069

                      Food Group

A Markel Food Group Company